Welcome & Introduce

Yufeng Liu

Dr. LIU Yufeng is a research professor at the Central Institute for Vocational & Technical Education (CIVTE), MOE, PR. China. She serves as the director of the division of International Cooperation and Comparative Education at the CIVTE. She is consultant expert of the Chinese Commission of UNESCO, and member of the national apprenticeship pilot expert committee. She was visiting scholar of Dortmund University of Germany, Australian National Center for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), and IOE of UCL, UK. As a domestic expert, Dr. LIU has participated in a number of significant national TVET policy research. She has published more than 100 academic papers and books in China and abroad. Dr. LIU’s main research areas cover TVET system and policy, life skills development, TVET curriculum and teaching, green skills development, and internationalization of TVET.

Theme 2. Building a green, resilient, and inclusive TVET system in the post-COVID era

November 5, 2021 (Friday) 10:00 - 11:20 AM (Korea Time) November 4, 2021 (Thursday) 9:00 – 10:20 PM (Washington DC)