Welcome & Introduce

Daniel Dulitzky

Daniel Dulitzky is Regional Director for Human Development in the East Asia and Pacific Region of the World Bank.
He is responsible for overseeing the World Bank program in Health, Education, and Social Protection and Jobs in East Asia and the Pacific. His top priorities are to: (i) provide strategic vision and direction to the human development team, (ii) ensure that World Bank regional and country activities in human development are informed by global strategies; and (iii) encourage and support innovation in both knowledge work and lending.

Mr. Dulitzky, an Argentinian National, joined the Bank in 1999. He has since held various positions in Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and Caribbean Regions.

His most recent assignment was that of Practice Manager for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Previously he was Practice Manager in Europe and Central Asia.
During his time at the Bank, he has also contributed to significant reform programs in health, social protection and education in numerous countries.
Mr. Dulitzky holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Closing Ceremony

November 5, 2021 (Friday) 12:35 - 12:40 PM (Korea Time) November 4, 2021 (Thursday) 11:35 – 11:40 PM (Washington DC)